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发布时间:2023-01-18 13:36      浏览次数:






1. 半导体材料与器件

2. 材料表面界面物理


1. 1998/09-2002/06, 厦门大学,物理与机电工程学院物理系,学士

       2. 2002/09-2009/06,厦门大学,物理与机电工程学院物理系,博士

1. 2009/08-2018/08,集美大学,理学院,讲师

2. 2018/09-至今,集美大学,理学院,副教授


1. Zhu Huili; Hong Zifan; Zhou Changjie*; Wu Qihui; Zheng Tongchang; Yang Lan; Lan Shuqiong; Yang Weifeng*; Energy band alignment of 2D/3D MoS2/4H-SiC heterostructure modulated by multiple interfacial interactions, Frontiers of Physics, 2023, 18(1):13301.

2. Zhou Changjie; Zhu Huili; Yang Weifeng; Lin Qiubao; Zheng Tongchang; Yang Lan; Lan Shuqiong ; Interfacial properties of 2D WS2 on SiO2 substrate from X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and firstprinciples calculations, Frontiers of Physics, 2023, 17(5):53500.

3. Zhou Changjie; Zhu Huili*; Pan Shaobin; Zheng Tongchang; Huang Xiaojing; Lin Qiubao; Yang Weifeng*; Determination of band alignments at 2D tungsten disulfide/high-k dielectric oxides interfaces by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Applied Surface Science, 2020, 505: 144521.

4. Zhuang Qinqin; Yang Weihuang*; Lin Wei; Dong Linxi; Zhou Changjie*; Gas Sensing of Monolayer GeSe: A First-Principles Study, NANO, 2019, 14(10): 1950131.

1. Zhou Changjie; Zhu Huili*; Wu Yaping; Lin Wei; Yang Weihuang*; Dong Linxi; Effect of external strain on the charge transfer: Adsorption of gas molecules on monolayer GaSe, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2017, 198: 49-56.

2. Zhu Huili; Zhou Changjie*; Huang Xiaojing; Wang Xiulin; Xu Huizhen; Lin Yong; Yang Weihuang; Wu Yaping; Lin Wei; Guo Fei; Evolution of band structures in MoS2-based homo- and heterobilayers, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2016, 49(6): 065304.

3. Zhou Changjie; Yang Weihuang; Zhu Huili*; Mechanism of charge transfer and its impacts on Fermi-level pinning for gas molecules adsorbed on monolayer WS2, Journal of Chemical Physics, 2015, 142(21): 214704.


1. 光电信息工程