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发布时间:2023-01-18 13:36      浏览次数:









(1) 2004/09–2008/06,厦门大学,物理系,博士

(2) 1990/09–1993/07,中山大学,物理系,硕士

(3) 1983/09–1987/07,福建师范大学,物理系,学士


(1) 2011/08–至今,集美大学,理学院物理系,教授

(2) 2010/08–2011/02,美国杜克大学,化学系,访问学者

(3) 2005/08–2011/07,集美大学理学院,副教授

(4) 2000/06–2005/07,集美大学理学院,讲师


(1) Xu, Wangying; Peng, Tao; Zhuo, Shuangmu; Lin, Qiubao; Huang, Weicheng; Li, Yujia; Xu, Fang; Zhao, Chun; Zhu, DeliangAqueous Solution-Grown Crystalline Phosphorus Doped Indium Oxide for Thin-Film Transistors ApplicationsInternational Journal of Molecular Science, 2321, 12912 (2022)

(2) Jiahe Lin, Xiaowei Chen, Bofeng Zhang, Chunrong Tan, Qiubao Lin and Xiulin Wang, Two dimensional twin T-graphene: monolayer for visible-light photocatalytic water splitting and bulk for anode material of magnesium batteries Check for updates, RCS Advances, 12(47),30349-30358 (2022)

(3) Wangying Xu, Tao Peng, Lin Chen, Weicheng Huang, Shuangmu Zhuo, Qiubao Lin, Chun Zhao, Fang Xu, Yu Zhang, and Deliang Zhu, Aqueous-solution-synthesized gallium oxide dielectrics for high-mobility thin-film transistors enhanced by phosphorus incorporation,Appl. Phys. Lett. 121, 163301 (2022)

(4) Changjie Zhou, Huili Zhu, Weifeng Yang, Qiubao Lin, Tongchang Zheng, Lan Yang & Shuqiong Lan, Interfacial properties of 2D WS2 on SiO2 substrate from X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and first-principles calculations,Frontiers of Physics, 17, 53500 (2022)

(5) Xiaowei Chen, Jiahe Lin, Qiubao Lin, Renquan Li, Guanglin Xia, Weidong Zou, and Xuebin Yu, Two-dimensional CP2 and LixCP2 (x=1 and 2) monolayer with high-mobility transport anisotropy and extraordinary optical properties,Phys. Rev. B 106, 075402 (2022)

(6) Xiuqin Zhang, Wentao Cheng, Qiubao Lin, Longquan Wu, Junyi Wang, Jincan Chen,Optimum Design and Performance Simulation of a Multi-Device Integrated System Based on a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell,J. Energy Resour. Technol. 144(5): 052106 (2022)

(7) Jungho Ahn1, Jiyeon Ma1, Doeon Lee1, Qiubao Lin1, Youngseo Park, Oukjae Lee, Sangwan Sim,Kyusang Lee, Geonwook Yoo, and Junseok Heo Ultrahigh Deep-Ultraviolet Responsivity of a β Ga2O3/MgO 2 Heterostructure-Based PhototransistorACS Photonics82,557-566 (2021)

(8) Feng Zheng1Qiubao Lin1Shunqing WuZi-zhong ZhuInfluence of the Fe-Si-O framework in crystal structure on the phase stability and electrochemical performance of Li2FeSiO4 cathodeSolid State Ionics 356(15): 115436 (2020)

(9) Hee Sung Lee1Yongmin Baek1Qiubao Lin1Joseph Minsu Chen,  Minseong ParkDoeon LeeSihwan KimKyusang LeeEfficient Defect Identification via Oxide Memristive Crossbar Array Based Morphological Image ProcessingAdv. Intell. Syst. 2000202.(2020)

(10) Changjie ZhouHuili Zhu*Shaobin PanTongchang ZhengXiaojing HuangQiubao LinWeifeng YangDetermination of band alignments at 2D tungsten disulfide/high-k dielectric oxides interfaces by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Applied Surface Science, 505: 144521 (2020)

(11) Xiaowei Chen *Weidong ZouQiubao LinRenquan LiGuanglin XiaXuebin Yu*The effect of oxygen coverages on hydrogenation of Mg (0001) surface, Applied Surface Science, 487: 510-518 (2019)

(12) Xiuqin ZhangQiubao LinHuiying LiuXiaowei ChenSunqing SuMeng Ni*Performance Analysis of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell based syngas, Entropy, 21(1): 85 (2019)

(13)  Zhang XiuqinLin QiubaoLiu HuiyingChen XiaoweiSu SunqingNi Meng*Performance Analysis of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell based syngas, Entropy, 21(1): 85 (2019)

